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Welcome to ELML

ELML, eLesson Markup Language, is an OpenSource XML framework for creating eLessons using XML/XSLT technologies. It is a "spin-off" from the GITTA project (Geographic Information Technology Training Alliance), a Swiss GIS eLearning project. The ELML project ist hosted at Sourceforge and offers all the regular tools (CVS, bugtracker, forum etc.) that you might already be familiar with when working with Sourceforge.

ELML 1.1 released

(Mon, 24 Jan 2005 15:01:12 GMT) The new ELML 1.1 version was just released. It includes now a working (first raw version) of an FO XSLT stylesheet to generate PDFs using the Adobe FOP (or similar) engine. Furthermore some minor bugs in the HTML stylesheet were fixed and the two layout templates (HTML, gitta_basic) were updated.

Please note that starting with version 1.1 of ELML the Bugtracker, Support Tracker and RFE (Request for Feature) Tracker have been activated. To help us improve ELML, please log into Sourceforge and use these tools to submit Bugs, Support questions or to request new features. This way you'll be notified automatically if a request is solved. We also opened a new mailing-list for the Tracker items. If you want to be informed automatically about new Tracker items, please subscribe to this list (similar to the CVS mailing list, where you will be informed about CVS changes). (0 comments)

XML Workshop postponed to February 28th

(Tue, 18 Jan 2005 15:12:12 GMT) On 28th February 2005, a one day XML/ELML Workshop will take place at FHBB in Muttenz. The course is suitable for everybody who wants an introduction to XML and its co-standards like XML schema and XSLT and also ELML. In the morning you will learn about the standards while the afternoon is reserved for exercises that will allow you to dig deeper in the areas of your interest. Certainly, during one day we will not be able to discuss every detail of XML & Co. Thus, we will give you detailed course documents which will allow you to read and learn more in your own time. The course costs you 150.- SFr. (Euro 100). If you are interested in participating, please contact Susanne Bleisch. (0 comments)

ELML 1.02 available

(Tue, 07 Dec 2004 12:16:36 GMT) ELML 1.02 was released today. It offers now a separate config folder for each project, HTML documentation and many minor XSL bugfixes and changes. We apologize for hidden files in earlier releases, they are now purged. (0 comments)

XML Workshop using ELML in January 2005

(Fri, 12 Nov 2004 17:11:03 GMT) The ELML developers Susanne Bleisch and Jo�l Fisler offer a two days XML workshop in Basel (Switzerland) on the 24th and 25th of January 2005. Participants will learn the basic concepts of XML and XSLT and furthermore use ELML as an example to create eLessons, validate them and transform them to HTML using the ELML stylesheets. You will find detailed information about the course (in German) under http://www.gitta.info/xmlcourse.php (0 comments)

ELML 1.01 available

(Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:19:32 GMT) We fixed some small bugs and updated the manual. Version 1.01 should be compatible with the XSLT 2.0 processor (only tested on XMLSpy). (0 comments)


ELML Summary:

Updated on March 7th, 2005

Project name: ELML - eLesson Markup Language
Project description: ELML - eLesson Markup Language - is an XML framework to create eLearning lessons based on Gersons ECLASS structure. Project iniciator is GITTA (http://www.gitta.info), a GIS-eLearning project of 11 Swiss universities.
Developers on project: 14
Project administrators: joelfisler, susannebleisch
Activity percentile (last week): 55.22%
Most recent daily statistics (15 Jan 2005): Ranking: 7294, Activity percentile: 55.22%,
Downloadable files: 89 total downloads to date
Most recent daily statistics (15 Jan 2005): Download count: 1
Mailing lists (public): 2
Public mailing lists: elml-users, elml-news

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Last update: 26.1.2005 - - ©2005 ELML