eLML Publications
The following list of publications includes papers for publications and/or for conferences that talk about or somehow include eLML. We try to always add the PDF version of the pulication but due to copyright issues this might not always be possible. If you have additional publications to add to this list, please contact us. For publications about GITTA and the history of eLML have a look at the GITTA publications page.
- Bleisch, Susanne, Fisler, Joël, 2005. eLesson Markup Language eLML – eine XML basierte Applikation für die beschreibende Auszeichnung von nachhaltigen und flexiblen e-Learning Inhalten. Muttenz: Fachhochschule beider Basel (FHBB). (Download)
- Fisler, Joël, Bleisch, Susanne, Niederhuber, Monika, 2005. Development of sustainable e-learning content with the open source eLesson Markup Language eLML. In: ISPRS Workshop, Potsdam, June 2./3. 2005. . (Download)
- Werner, Marion, Bleisch, Susanne, Fisler, Joël, 2005. E-Learning Materials in GIS-Technology and Cartography - Towards an Open Content Solution. In: 22nd International Cartographic Conference, 9. - 16. July 2005. Coruña, Spain: ICC.