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The most important transformation: From XML to (X)HTML

Since we are talking about eLearning and eLessons the transformation into HTML or better XHTML 1.0 is probably the most import one. As described below you can just create a plain XHTML version of your lesson but this is probably not what you want. With eLML you have different possibilities to customize your XHTML transformation:

So usually you will work with one or more of the options below when creating your final online version of a lesson or a whole course. If you still just would like to create a simple XHTML version (e.g. to check your content) here's how:

Transform a lesson without a layout template (the 'plain' version)

  1. Open your lesson or the "Introduction to Database Systems" lesson XML file in oXygen or XMLSpy.
  2. In oXygen click on the "Apply transformation scenario" button. Since you didn't yet define a "Transformation Scenario" you will need to do this now. It's pretty straightforward but refer to the oXygen manual if you don't know how to do it. In XMLSpy just click the "XSL" button.
  3. Choose the file ../../../../core/presentation/online/elml.xsl file as input XSLT file (in oXygen you also have to define an output folder: enter e.g. tmp/output.txt but it doesn't really matter since the exact paths for storing files are part of the XSLT 2.0 files anyway).
  4. Open the file gitta/IntroToDBS/en/index.html with any web browser (in XMLSpy the files are opened automatically).


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