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Documentation: Background information about eLML

The documentation of the eLesson Markup Language provides the explanations needed to work with the XML framework termeLML and the associated files and structures. The documentation is constantly updated (see the footer for the last modified date) and reflects the status of the developer release. The stable release always contains a manual for the corresponding version within the termZIP file. You will need at least the following steps to use eLML:

  1. Download eLML
  2. Create a new eLML lesson
  3. Validate an eLML lesson
  4. Transform an eLML lesson
  5. Create IMS or SCORM packages

A full overview about all the topics covered within this documentation:

This documentation does not provide information about:

  • History/Background of eLML: Read the about section or visit the termGITTA website.
  • XML, XML Schema, XSLT etc. introduction: Read the explanation in the glossary and visit the links published there for more information.
  • Pedagogical information/Didactics: This is a technical manual. Read the pedagogical concept section for more information.


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