Context Information
eLML Contact
If you have any problems regarding eLML, please read the Support section carefully. You will find instructions there on how to submit bugs, support questions, feature requests etc. If still need to contact someone personally (no support questions! use support-form for that!), please contact one of the project responsible Joël Fisler at the following address:
Address | University of Zurich Multimedia and E-Learning Services (MELS) Joël Fisler Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zürich Switzerland |
Phone | +41 44 635 52 52 |
Web |
The persons behind eLML
In the Sourceforge Members Page you will find an up-to-date list of active eLML developers. Many of them are GITTA authors using eLML for creating their lessons. For a complete list of all GITTA partner institutes and staff members, please consult the GITTA partners section. Besides GITTA we also have developers that work for the MELS, the Multimedia and E-Learning Services of the University of Zurich.
eLML is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Nevertheless we would be happy to get an email from you if you choose to use eLML. Thank you.