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Success Stories: Projects using eLML

The eLML website itself was also created using eLMLThe eLML website itself was also created using eLMLWho is using eLML? Since it's open source we can't really track who is using eLML. But we would like to list some projects that have been using eLML for the last years and that also helped improve eLML with valuable input or manpower. If your project is using eLML and you would like to be listed here feel free to contact us.

GITTA - Geographic Information Technology Training Alliance

GITTA Screenshot (click for large view)GITTA Screenshot (click for large view)GITTA is a Swiss eLearning project for Geographic Information Science and Technology. Nearly 50 lessons or case studies are available for free passive use. GITTA uses the XML based framework eLML, so there is no commercial or proprietary software needed for showing the contents.

Website: www.gitta.info
License: Non-Commercial use under the Creative Commons Licence (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)

PTO - Psychopathology Taught Online

PTO Screenshot (click for large view)PTO Screenshot (click for large view) PTO is an eLearning course which facilitates the understanding of mental disorders. It covers mainly the phenomenology of mental disorders, but also other important facets of psychopathology such as diagnostic challenges or information on rating scales. PTO is held in German and designed to be implemented in various blended learning scenarios, but can also be used as a stand-alone learning module. Additionally, PTO introduces an innovative adaptive learning system, which compares the individual cognitive learning structures of the students with expert structures, resulting in automated learning recommendations and exercises. PTO's first official release in summer term 2007 was used by 350 students at four different universities in Switzerland and Austria. Up to now, PTO is regularly used at the Universities of Zurich, Bern, Fribourg, Basel, Salzburg and the LMU Munich with a total number of more than 1300 users. PTO reached the finals and won the “Publikumspreis” of the Medida-Prix 2007 as well as the “Springer E-Learning Award 2008”..

Website: www.pto.uzh.ch
Free access for all partner universities. For Commercial Licensing (individual users, institutions) please contact Roland Streule.

GLOPP - Globalisation and Livelihood Options of People living in Poverty

GLOPP Screenshot (click for large view)GLOPP Screenshot (click for large view)GLOPP is an interdisciplinary modular course consisting of 18 blocks (each 5-6 hours worktime), developed by UZH, UNIBE and EPFL. The course thematically focuses on poor people’s livelihoods and contributions to the improvement of their situation. Blocks are integrated into different seminars. Students work through text, illustrations, animations, (collaborative) exercises and self-tests to prepare better for the presence phases. GLOPP will be completed at the end of 2007.

Website: www.glopp.ch
License: Free access for partners (on LMS OLAT and Moodle). Open Content with some exceptions


GISMA Screenshot (click for large view)GISMA Screenshot (click for large view)GISMA is a Faculty of Geography Marburg eLearning project to derive competence building in Geographic Information Science. 8+1 lessons are available for free use. It is the first complete Blended Learning resource to provide a specific Elearning environment to support bachelor of geography students. The didactic approach is based on the problem based learning concept.
GISMA uses the XML based framework eLML, so there is no commercial or proprietary software needed for showing the contents. additionally it integrates parts of GITTA courses merged with new developed material

Website: gisbsc.www.gis-ma.org
License: Creative Commons Licence by-nc-sa 3.0

Moodle Tutorial

Moodle Tutorial Screenshot (click for large view)Moodle Tutorial Screenshot (click for large view)The Moodle Tutorial is an introduction into the Learning Management System Moodle created by the Institute for Research in Open-, Distance- and eLearning in Brig. The tutorial is a self-learning courses with video instructions to help beginners getting to know and using Moodle.

Website: moodle.ifel.ch/tutorial
License: Creative Commons «Attribution/Share Alike» 2.5 Switzerland

OLAT - Online Learning And Training

OLAT Screenshot (click for large view)OLAT Screenshot (click for large view)OLAT is an open source learning management system developed originally at the University of Zurich but now used throught the world and translated into 17 languages. Not only the OLAT website and all its manuals and documentation were created with eLML but also a lot of content on the main OLAT server itself was developed using eLML.

Website: www.olat.org
License: Open Source (Apache 2 licence)

Cartouche - Cartography for Swiss Higher Education

Cartouche Screenshot (click for large view)Cartouche Screenshot (click for large view)Cartouche is a new eLearning project and Internet course, imparting knowledge about the multimedia and Internet cartography to advanced students. The course consists of the 3 modules "Multimedia Cartography", "Location Based Services" and "3D Applications". The modules were developed by the participating universities ETH Zurich, University of Zurich and University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland. Each module consists of a fix number of lessons, each lesson has a maximum of 6 units (presenting 1 learning object). Since the course structure and even the pedagogical concept is modular, eLML as highly flexible and extensible technique was used to transform the concept to the web.

Website: www.e-cartouche.ch
License: internal use, 2 modules will be published under the Creative Commons License in the next months

ELT@RWI - E-Learning Templates der Rechtswissenschatlichen Fakultät

ELT@RWI Screenshot (click for large view)ELT@RWI Screenshot (click for large view)The factulty of law at the University of Zurich creates all of its e-learning content using eLML. Topics cover legal history, family law and (in German) Verfassungs- und Obligationenrecht.

Website: www.elt.uzh.ch
License: Mostly internal (ask Frank Mäder for details)

SOREL - Swiss ORL E-Learning

SOREL Screenshot (click for large view)SOREL Screenshot (click for large view)SOREL (Swiss ORL E-Learning) provides interuniversitary, countrywide unified e-Learning modules containing the full knowledge base in the field of Otorhinolaryngology needed by the undergraduate student to become a general practitioner. All modules will be available in german and french. SOREL has sucessfully started in 2008 and is continually enhancing its content. Parts of SOREL are already in productive use (module Ear). At a later stage, SOREL contents will also be examinable.

SOREL is a project of the department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of the University Hospital Z¸rich in collaboration with all university clinics (ORL) in Switzerland.

Website: not public
License: internal use

FOIS - Foundations of Information Systems

FOIS Screenshot (click for large view)FOIS Screenshot (click for large view)FOIS provides twelve self-directed e-learning modules on an introductory level in the field of information systems. The modules cover topics like e-business and computer networks or specific applications and systems for enterprise resource planning, supply chain management or decision-support. Each module is self-contained and can be employed complementary in face-to-face classes according to the blended learning approach.
A given learning path and a clear structure, various examples and exercises, numerous interactions and self-assessments support the student’s learning process. FOIS modules have been implemented since 2004 and, in the meantime, are used by more than 3000 students at several institutions in higher education in Switzerland and Germany.

Website: www.fois.ch
License: Free access for all project partners. The modules will be published under the Creative Commons License in the next months.


eFeed Screenshot (click for large view)eFeed Screenshot (click for large view)eFeed is an eLearning project that offers students from veterinary medicine and agricultural sciences flexible learning modules about animal feed nutrition. The learning process is supported by visualisation of feed stuff and exercises with a focus on enhancing problem solving skills. Self-tests are offered to evaluate the individual learning process. Furthermore the Swiss feed database (Leading House: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) provides students with actual data of feed stuffs.

Website: integrated in OLAT LMS
License: Open Content for Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences

Introduction to Classical Philology

Project Screenshot (click for large view)Project Screenshot (click for large view)The «Einführung in die Klassische Philologie» provides access to the most important subjects in Classical Philology, complementary to courses taught regularly at the University of Zurich. The course is held in German on three levels and offers modules such as «Textkritik und -edition», «Stilistik», or «Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten». At the moment, the modules originally designed for and with OLAT are being edited with eLML.

Website: under construction
License: Internal use at present (University of Zurich)


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