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Firedocs eLML Editor


The University of Zurich has been trying to build an editor for eLML for a long time (nearly since the beginning of the eLML project). After two unsuccessful approaches a third approach based on the Mozilla Firefox Plugin technology led to success. In summer 2008 the first beta version of the termFiredocs eLML Editor was released.

So what is Firedocs? Firedocs is a webbased XML editor for Mozilla Firefox that the University of Zurich has developed for both its Content Management System UniCMS and for eLML, the eLesson Markup Language. Both the UniCMS and eLML are XML-based strategic tools of the University of Zurich and needed an easy to use editor. The Firedocs project has now become an autonomous open source project but it offers extensions for both eLML and UniCMS. The editor provided on this website is already compiled containing the eLML extensions you will need to create and edit eLML lessons.


  • Full featured xml-editor for eLML lessons
  • Schema-directed editing and validation. This makes creating invalid lessons almost impossible.
  • Works with large lessons: Pagebreak-level can be set to unit or lesson.
  • Both standalone (lessons stored on your harddisk) and online (in conjunction with UniCMS repository) editing mode
  • Multi-platform
  • Auto-completion for term (glossary), citation (bibliography) and link (internal targets) element
  • Full support for images, movies and other linked inline media
  • Auto save
  • Add-on Development: Easily scriptable/extendable by using javascript/xul

For a full list of the Firedocs-features have a look at the Firedocs-website. Please note that the eLML-specific features are not listed there.

Click on screenshot for large viewClick on screenshot for large view

System Requirements

Firedocs is Mozilla Firefox plugin and therefore runs on every platform supported by Mozilla Firefox.

Download and Installation

Firedocs is included in the tools-folder of both the stable and the developer release the eLML-core. But you can also download the ZIP file directly (see below). The installation of the "Firedocs eLML Editor" is quick and easy. If you ever installed a Mozilla Firefox plugin you know the procedure:

  1. Get the Firedocs eLML Editor 1.2
  2. Drag and drop the downloaded file firedocs-elml-full.xpi on a Mozilla Firefox window and click "install".
  3. Restart Mozilla Firefox
  4. You will notice a new icon (notepad with pen) to the right of the browser bar. Click it and choose " File --> Open..." to open your existing eLML lessons XML file.

If you are using Windows and Firedocs does not start up ("freezes" during startup) you should try this Windows-Java-Bugfix. Also check the documentation below!
To uninstall Firedocs choose "Tools -> Addons -> Firedocs Workspace -> Uninstall". Then restart your Browser.


We are sorry but there is no specific documentation for the "Firedocs eLML Editor" available yet. But you might want to have a look at the following Firedocs pages:

  • Firedocs-Editor Dokumentation (German)
  • Technical documentation (English): API specifications, Add-on development, sample code etc.
  • Was tun bei Problemen? German troubleshooting page (we will tranlsate it, be patient :-)


Firedocs is an open source product and we can only offer limited support. First of all check the German Was tun bei Problemen? page. We will translate it into English as soon as we can. If that does not help: Check the eLML support page for more information about how to proceed. Do you want to have some specific features added to Firedocs? Contact the Firedocs developers for commercial services.

Found a bug? No tool is bug-free, we know that. If you found a bug, please submit it using our bugreport. Make sure that your bug is not already submitted and that (if it isn't) you choose the category "Firedocs eLML Editor" in the bugreport-form.


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