The eLesson Markup Language (eLML)
is an open source XML framework for creating structured eLessons using XML. For easier lesson authoring eLML currently offers an offline (OpenOffice based - see below) editor. A webbased WYSIWYG editor is under construction and planned for summer 2007. The eLML project is hosted at Sourceforge and offers all the regular tools (CVS, bugtracker, forum etc.) that you might already be familiar with when working with Sourceforge.
Stephen Downes about eLML: "First class job" 2007-10-22 06:56
We were very happy to read in Stephen Downes (eLearning researcher and specialist from Canada) blog that eLML is a "A first-class job, something some other organizations could learn from." His question "Why didn't IMS or ADL or anyone else come up with something like this?" was something we were also asking ourselves over five years ago and was one of the main motivations for creating eLML. Here's the full blog entry:
eLML at OpenExpo 2007 in Zurich 2007-09-17 07:32
Next Wednesday and Thursday (September 19./20. 2007) the OpenExpo takes place in Zurich ( On both days you can listen to interesting speeches about free and open source software with a business-focus on Wednesday and a technology-focus on Thursday. Together with OLAT ( we will have a booth/stand from 9am to 5pm with information about eLML. Come and visit us!
PTO wins public-price of MedidaPrix 2007 2007-09-17 00:09
The eLearning project Psychopathology Taught Online (PTO) wins the public-price of MedidaPrix 2007 ( PTO is a University of Zurich project realized with eLML. Congratulations from the eLML-team!
eLML 4 released! 2007-08-30 06:49
I am very happy to finally (with some delays, sorry...) announce the eLML 4 release! Together with eLML 4 we relaunch the eLML website with a lot of new examples, manuals, screenshots and tutorial movies.
GMW 07: No Tutorial but an eLML MedidaPrix finalist 2007-08-27 01:40
The bad news: Unfortunately the eLML tutorial had to be cancelled because there were not enough participants registered. The good news: The eLearning project PTO (Psychopathology Taught Online, see created with eLML reached the Medida Prix final! All the best from the eLML team.
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